Nursery (0-2 Years)
We know how difficult it can be to choose the right nursery for your child. In our nursery we provide a place of welcome, with our program being based on providing various opportunities that allow children to learn and develop. Our team of Educators are very nurturing and understanding and will strive to build quality relationships with all children and families.
Our nursery caters for up to sixteen children a day, with our ratio being one Educator to four children. The nursery room is quite spacious, offering two cot rooms off the main play area with separate kitchen and nappy-change areas.
The outdoor area is segregated into age groups which provides children with the opportunity to explore within their own developmental areas. Nappies are supplied in this room – if you don’t wish to use the centre nappies, please inform the Educators on enrolment.
On enrolment, you will be given a welcome pack which includes your child’s communication book. When your child attends the centre, Educators will write in this book, communicating how your child’s day has been. This will also include photos of your child enjoying play experiences within the centre.